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River Ridge Ranch (logo)
Spanish Peaks at sunset with vibrant coral and yellow sky, snow dusting the mountains and field in the foreground

Landowner's Association
Board of Managers

The LOA Board of Managers (BOM) oversees all official business related to the Ranch, including the budget, management of road maintenance and garbage disposal, etc.

Meet The LOA Board

Image Coming Soon

Don May



Steve Stize

Vice President

Image Coming Soon

Trish Clancy


Ryan Wilson

Ryan Wilson



Jan Campell


Image coming soon

Diane Roloff


Ross Davis

Ross Davis

Chair, Communications Committee


Darin Richter


Covenants & Bylaws

Living in a covenant-protected community can have several benefits. The River Ridge Ranch (RRR) covenants establish structure to allow for the collection of dues and the provision of services, maintenance and upkeep, community standards, and, hopefully, increased property values. 


Established nearly 25 years ago, River Ridge Ranch was developed in six different phases (see Phase Map). Review covenants for each phase below:

Please note: The new Communications Committee is working to make the covenant documents ADA compliant. If you need an accessible version of a file, please contact us and we will expedite the needed files.


Meeting Minutes

Minutes from each Board of Managers meeting and Annual Meeting will be provided online the following month, after the minutes are approved. 

Meeting Agenda

Requests to add a discussion topic to the agenda must be sent to the Board a minimum of 10 days before the scheduled meeting. The board will make all attempts to post the agenda on the Facebook page at least 7 days before the meeting.

Cucharas River running through the Ranch with a rock formation to the left
No events at the moment

Say "Hay"

Contact the River Ridge Ranch LOA Board

Interested in getting involved on a committee? Have a question about covenants, events, life on the Ranch, etc.? Need to add a discussion topic to the next meeting agenda? Complete the form below to connect with the Board.

close up of black horse face
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